Can your experience improve outcomes in delivering paediatric services?

In Central Queensland, Sunshine Coast, Wide Bay by PHN Communications

Children’s Health Queensland is currently developing its health services plan, the Children’s Health and Wellbeing Services Plan 2018-2028 (CHWSP).

The CHWSP will identify the key health service directions and strategies for the efficient and effective alignment of Children’s Health Queensland’s services to the needs of our community over the next 10 years, with the aim of improving the health status and safeguarding equity of health outcomes for children and young people across the state.

As part of the development of the plan, they are seeking input from a range of external stakeholders on the current challenges they face in the provision of paediatric services and on some emerging service directions and strategies developed in consultation with our internal clinicians.

Your input is greatly appreciated. An information pack, along with some specific questions and a link to provide feedback electronically is available here.