What are the new points on maternity shared care in Central Queensland?

In Central Queensland by PHN Communications

Dr Helen Whiltshire, GPLO with CCQ.

The hospital are reviewing their whole system of Antenatal Care and Shared Care  is considered a main option for women. There is a commitment from the hospital to improve Maternity services, with continuity of care a large part of that, and GP care is recognised as central to this effort.

Here’s a summary so far – many of you will already be aware of these:

  • Early referrals to Antenatal clinic are encouraged, with E-referral preferred, using the Template (available on Health pathways here: https://cq.healthpathwayscommunity.org/index.htm) Find it under Forms and Templates, CQHHS Specialist Outpatients Department, Maternity Booking-In Referral. Templates available to download into MD and BP.
  • Ideally women can be seen for a booking visit between 12-16 weeks with the HHS, and then return to GPs for Shared Care
  • Antenatal clinic have a list of Shared Care GPs and provide these names to women looking for a GP. Please let me know if you would like to be on this list.
  • New Pregnancy Care Guidelines have been published by  the Department of Health, and the Clinical Guidelines (Short Form) is a concise summary of current recommendations.
  • GPs can provide the “Blue book” Pregnancy Health Record to patients.  I can get these to you  – just let me know .

Please contact Dr Helen Wiltshire with any questions, or feedback for the HHS. I look forward to hearing from you and adding you to the Shared Care GP List.